Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Social Cognitive Theory Is The View That People Learn By...

Social cognitive theory is the view that people learn by watching others. In psychology, it explains personality in terms of how a person thinks about and responds to one s social environment. For example, in the 1960s Albert Bandura (a pioneer in social cognitive theory) argued that when people see someone else awarded for behavior, they tend to behave the same way to attain an award. People are also more likely to imitate those with whom they identify. Bandura famously illustrated social learning by showing children a video of a girl punching a doll; presented later with a doll, the children behaved in similarly aggressive ways. Not all learning is acted upon; for example, one might learn to hunt by observing others yet never†¦show more content†¦Bandura suggests in the preface: â€Å"Much contemporary theorizing depicts people as on looking hosts of internal mechanisms or orchestrated by external events. They are stripped of any agency. People are proactive, aspiring org anisms who have a hand in shaping their own lives and the social systems that organize, guide and regulate the affairs of their society (Bandura, 1997). He also suggests teachers’ beliefs and how their teaching or instructional efficacy contributes to students’ determination of their own personal intellectual capabilities. Applying this theory will benefit the classroom environment with student growth and development. â€Å"Through the use of self-efficacy and self-regulation, Bandura actively involves the learner in the educational process†. It can help improve the amount of time a student is paying attention to a subject which allows a teacher to dive into effective teaching strategies. While teaching an addition problem, a teacher can write it on the board, show each step and complete the problem while the children are observing then the children will complete their math worksheet with the method they were taught. This theory can also create a desire for a student to seek intrinsic motivators, which benefits growth in maturity, and confidence. This will require an individual the time to think through a response when they desire a higher level of personal reward. In a classroom, role playing with the students to model behavior that isShow MoreRelatedEssay on Educational Psychology1169 Words à ‚  |  5 PagesPsychology can be explained several ways. The idea is to study theories and concepts from different parts of psychology and apply them in educational settings. These educational settings may occur in different school settings such as preschool. The goal of educational psychology is to create a positive student-teacher relationship. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Not sure if this is good or not Free Essays

The novel ‘Runner’ shows us how much Charlie cares about the people in his life. Discuss In the novel ‘Runner’ written by Robert Newton, we see that Charlie has a very caring nature, and will do almost anything for the people who are important to him. Charlie generally is always willing to do anything for those he cares for, as an example, even though he does go against his Ma’s will and starts to works for Squishy, he does it so he can achieve a better life for his family, to give Ma and Jack a nicer way of living. We will write a custom essay sample on Not sure if this is good or not or any similar topic only for you Order Now Charlie really cares about the Redmond and after he makes a lot of money when e wins the Ballard mile running race he shares it with them. He offers as much of his winnings as Mr. Redmond wants to take, so that he is financially better off. Charlie really means it because when he was talking to Mr. Redmond after he had won the race, ‘It anti Just the running’, Mr. Redmond. Yea done so much fear us, I don’t know where we’d be without yea. The reason he said that is because The Redmond had given so much to the Foeman family, and were always willing to help them out, Charlie offers the money, because he feels like it is an appropriate gesture to show his appreciation. This proves Charlie cares about the Redmond, as much as they care about him. Charlie and Nostrils’ are on a liquor run when the cross Barlow and his mates, Barlow soon begins to beat Nostrils’, and Charlie runs away to safety. Charlie wants to help his friend out, but he felt paralyses, like he couldn’t physically move because he was so afraid, and ashamed of leaving him there by himself. He said ‘Far worse than fear, it was shame that paralyses me. ‘ Because Charlie cares for Nostrils so much, he is upset and regretting his decision of leaving Nostrils to fight for himself. The regret e has shows that he does truly care about Nostrils because it is shown how bad he feels for the mistake he made. When Charlie goes to the bakery that Alice works at and her father owns, to collect the taxes, he sees that there are Just people in the same situation he and his family in. When they can’t afford to pay, Charlie decides he will because he knows what it is like to struggle. ‘The two words kept repeating themselves. ‘Something good’†¦ ‘Something good† Charlie pays the three pounds the Cornball’s owe from his own pocket because he knew what it was like to be desperate, and it was the best thing he loud do for people in a needy situation. It shows that Charlie is caring, because he was doing something so kind for people he barely knew, but he understood their situation, and could tell it was the right thing to do. Charlie is a truly caring person, who was consistently kind and loyal to those who were important to him. It is shown that he did almost anything to be caring towards others, but when he was in a situation where he has afraid, he froze. Charlie went to great lengths to fix what he had done wrong, and did not stop until he felt like he had fully achieved that. How to cite Not sure if this is good or not, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Nelson Mandela and Dialogic Lifelong Learning †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Nelson Mandela and Dialogic Lifelong Learning. Answer: Introduction Leadership is a procedure of social influence where an individual is capable to provide assistance and support to other people for the successful achievement of a collective or communal mission (Dinh et al. 2014 pp.36). It is a skill, an ability and an influential procedure that is measured by effectiveness and victory (Lituchy, Metwally and Henderson 2017, pp.19).The effectiveness of leadership is mainly dependent upon the behavior of the leader. These include encouraging the followers towards the exuberant effort, obtaining the faith and fidelity of the followers and applying mastery and resources for the achievement of a mission (Von Krogh, Nonaka and Rechsteiner 2012 pp.240). One of the examples of effective leadership skill can be found in the life story of a former South African leader, Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandelas memory lives on through Justin Chadwicks movie labeled Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom which was adopted by William Nicholson from the 1995 autobiography of Nelson Mandela, the first elected black president in South Africa (Sternlight et al. 2015, p.281). The film highlights the journey of a radical man from fighting and protesting against racial inequality to becoming a president (Brooks 2018, pg-25).The film came out shortly after the death of Mandela and the renowned figure was again brought back to the world by the famous actor from Britain, Idris Elba. This report aims at critically analyzing the effectiveness of the leadership skills that are portrayed in the movie Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. Its objective is to examine the film which was based on the autobiography of Mandela and identify the leadership theories and approaches represented by Elba, in the shoes of Mandela (Brooks 2018, pg-45).The purpose of this review is to identify the different aspects of leadership qualities in Mandelas character which has been shown in the film. This report highlights the key principles and behaviors of Mandela that made him the true renowned strategic leader. The concept of leadership widely includes encouraging and influencing individuals to target and work towards a common achievement. Leadership constitutes a leaders tasks, responsibilities, abilities, duties and personal skills. Effective leadership qualities include ceaseless working and effective communication skills so that people around get influenced and motivated. There are various research works on the topic of leadership and numerous studies have been conducted to understand the theoretical concepts of the effectiveness of a leader and the relevant ideas behind it. The effectiveness of the leadership is dependable on four major factors highlighted above. The characteristics and traits of the leaders include both the internal and external qualities of the individual which helps them in efficient functioning in a tough situation. These are mainly courage of an individual, the self-confidence and self-esteem level in the individual and the abilities to handle tough situations (Senge, Hamilton and Kania 2015, pp.27).The behavior and style of the leader can be judged from the activities and participation of the individual and his characteristic approach. The characteristic of the members of the group is important since their level of support and motivation encourages the leader for achieving any target. Besides, the culture of the organization, the diversity of workforce and economy are some of the important factors in the internal and external environment which influences the leadership effectiveness (Nanjundeswaraswamy and Swamy 2014, pp.57). According to this formula, the process of leadership is a function of the leader(l), the members of the group(gm) and other situational variables(s).The model further explains that understanding the effective leadership can be done by evaluation of its key components. These key variables or components are: Characteristics and traits of the leader Behavior and style of the leader (Moghalu 2017,pp.171) Nature and characteristics of the group member The environment-both internal and external These variables are interconnected and interrelated. Relevant examples The movie, Mandela: Long walk to freedom portrays some of the deepest moments featuring some poignant events. Order in the court scene: The movie portrays two of the courtroom scenes. In scene one, Mandela, a young lawyer was defending a black South African maid whose employer has accused her of robbery and theft. The white lady standing in the court in the movie refused to answer Mandelas questions after several attempts by Mandela and the white judge suddenly informs her that she can relay her questions to him. This particular scene shows the racial belatedness and the level how the black South Africans were looked down upon by the whites. The second scene, when Mandela himself is on trial (Brooks 2018, pg-67).This scene portrays the leadership traits of Nelson Mandela when he offered up his life against his lawyer's wishes in the famous three-hour-long speech. Contingency theories of leadership effectiveness model can be identified from this scene. Hersey-Blanchard Situational Model can be explained by the scene. In the opinion of these authors a situational leader is the one who takes de cisions depending on the situation and does not act on the basis of a fixed style of leadership (McCleskey 2014 p.117). Mandela has fought for the country as a leader for seeking equality for all and he offered his life in front of the court for this ideal (Jordan,Werner and Venter 2015,pp.10). Long Pants Victory Scene: Mandela and fellow members were taken into custody at South Africas notorious Robben Island. The light-skinned people were offered long pants while the blacks were tossed a pair of shorts. Mandela and her fellow were furious. The scenes in the movie here show how Mandela guided all the black people, eventually became their leader, protest for equal rights and long pants from the prison (The New Times 2015). Path-Goal Model can be explained by this scene. Mandela guided all his fellow dark mates to reach the goal of acquiring long pants similar to the light-skinned prisoners. Free at last scene: The movie shows how Mandela was not allowed to attend the funerals of his mother and son and was left in a tiny prison cell (Engel 2017, pp.115). Initially he was put on house arrest but after a period of six months he was moved to the prison where he was not allowed even the liberty to go out his prison cell. The scenes were exhilarating where he finally acquired freedom. The scene when he was elected his countrys president at 1994 showed how shocking Mandela was when he saw a hallway of South African white military leaders offering him a salute while he was walking down the hallway (Brooks 2018, pg-89).Transformational leadership can be identified from this scene. It is significant to note that the transformational style of leadership is the one where the leader leads by example and tries to motivate his followers through his own activities (Avolio and Yammarino 2013 pp. xxvii). Key aspects of leadership effectiveness model Effective leadership is essential for any leader to be successful. Critical analysis of the required skills can always help in improving their leadership skills to achieve an array of targets and goals (Cullar 2017,pp.17).There are a few skills and traits for developing the leadership skills. These skills are the part of the leadership effectiveness model which consists of the following leadership theories. Trait Theory: This theory emphasizes mainly on the characteristics and qualities of the leaders. According to this theory, the level of confidence, knowledge and the qualities of an individual leads them to the path of success and effective leadership (Yukl 2012 pp.66). This theory fails to explain the situation of failures in leadership despite having the required qualities. Behavioral Theories: According to behavioral theories, the behavior of an individual is an important factor that leads to the success of their leadership skills (Alvesson and Spicer 2012 pp.367). These theories overlooked the factors of situation and environment where the behaviors are denoted. Contingency Theories: According to these theories, the effectiveness of leadership is connected or majorly dependable on the leader's characteristics, nature and other situational factors (Landis, Hill and Harvey 2014, pp.97). Fred Fielder Contingency Model explains that performance of a team is dependable upon the characteristics and the nature of the leadership and the situation (Latham 2014, pp.11). According to this model, the best or the effective way to address and handle a situation which is changing is to change the leader since individuals characteristic or the style of the leadership remains fixed and certain styles are effective in certain situations. Hersey-Blanchard Situational Model explains that the style of the leadership should be similar to the level of maturity of the individual. An individual attempting to be a leader may adopt some styles according to his maturity level (Kark and Shamir 2013 pp-77). Some of the styles are: Telling, Selling, Participating and Delegating. Path-Goal Model: According to this model by Robert House, there lie certain factors which affect the performance and the level of motivation of a group of individual. These factors are o Recognition of talents and providing rewards for good performance. o Guiding towards the targets and goals o Helping out with the performance obstacles (Lituchy, Metwally and Henderson 2017, pp.19). Charismatic Leadership Theory: According to this theory, a leader should command authority by his charismatic personality traits. The three elements of the charismatic leadership are empowerment, envisioning and empathy. This theory highlights the fact that leaders with strong commitments and extraordinary qualities towards their goals attract people. Transitional Leadership Theory: This theory is based on the rewards and punishment that are judged according to the performance level of the followers. Transformational leadership: One of the most important theories of leadership in accordance with the effective leadership skills as portrayed in the chosen movie of Nelson Mandela, transformational leadership include inspiration and abilities to motivate the followers. Leaders are expected to ignite the fire of protest or reform or any other targeted works among the followers with their visions and personalities. Some of the major components of this theory are: inspiration, motivation, consideration, idealization and intellectual stimulation (Jallow 2015, pp.11) Critical analysis and evaluation of leadership effectiveness in the selected film Mandela: A long walk to freedom, highlights the journey of the leader Nelson Mandela. The film portrays the struggle, the protest against the inequality in South Africa caused due to racism. The film showed different chapters of his life right from the boyhood till old age, it portrays his struggle, life at the jail and the moment he was elected as the president. His works, speeches, and his traits influenced thousands of Africans to join the movement (Brooks 2018, pg-45).After his death, Nelson Mandela was revered as a universal figure of peace and reconciliation. The concept of leadership effectiveness can be identified throughout the movie by the leadership lessons from the legacy of Nelson Mandela. Some of the leadership lessons of Nelson Mandela are: Courage does not mean that the fear is absent; courage inspires others to challenge the limit and move beyond it: In the film, it has been shown that Mandela was afraid during the Rivonia trail at Robben Island which eventually led him to jail. But deep in his mind, he knew that he cannot let the people of South Africa know about his fear as he was a leader. It is his responsibility to provide encouragements to the others (Nur 2015,pp.52). The movie shows how Mandela pretend of appearing brave and fearless and how he gained strength to overcome his fear(Chasi and Levy 2016, pg-67). While leading from the front but one should not forget his base: In the movie it has been shown that Mandela initiated negotiations with the apartheid government while he was in prison. The film shows the reaction of many who thought that it was crazy for him to negotiate with his enemy. He then explained his act to each of his comrades and slowly gathers them along with him. The movie throughout highlights the principles Mandela used to follow. According to him, a refusal for negotiation was not about principles but about tactics (Ferraris 2015, pp.1413). He was shown as the most pragmatic one in the movie. One should often guide from the back and let the others believe that they are in the lead: In the film it has been shown that as a child, Mandela was influenced largely by the tribal king, Jongintaba who raised him. The movie shows how young Mandela noticed the meetings of Jongintaba where he spoke after all the men. Mandela gathered the idea of effective leadership tricks from the tribal king which helped him in his later lives. The film shows Mandelas concept of effective leadership. According to him, the wisest act is to persuade others to do certain things while making them believe that it was their idea altogether. One should be well informed and keep knowledge about his enemy: Mandela in the film is shown to follow the whites ever since 1960 (Beresford 2014, pp.297).The film shows how he started studying the languages, the sports of the white South Africans who constituted the apartheid. Often his comrades used to judge him due to his habits but Mandela was determined to understand the worldview of the Africans. The movie showed how Mandela determined to fight with them and planned to stand against them. He understood that the black South Africans were looked down upon and were subjected to discrimination in every ground by the British government and the white people and no one was there to raise a strong voice against them. It is important to have close friends and even more closer connection with your enemies: The film highlighted the invincible charming nature of Mandela. He believed to keep close relations with his enemies since he believed that it will help him to understand their moves (Sternlight et al. 2015, p.281).The movie shows how Mandela believed in embracing his rivals and believed it to be a way of controlling their minds. In the Robben Island, it has been shown how Mandela believed to neutralize his enemies with his charm. The appearance of a person is one of the key factors of understanding his personality: In the scene of 1994 where Mandela was shown to run for the presidency, back in his mind he knew that he was never a good speaker in the public (Rule 2017,pp. 31). As he recalls some of his previous experiences, where people often turned out during his speech after some minutes made him realize the importance of appearance (Dwivedi 2015,pp.66). He realized that a beatific, dazzling smile in the public represent leaders lack of bitterness and symbolizes the courage and happiness to triumph. In the platform of life, nothing is black or white: One of the most important lessons from the movie is the realization of the concept of life. Mandela in this movie shows that there is no either or in the platform of life. It is the nature of the human brain to look for simplified explanations in life. Mandela as a politician in the movie, viewed the world as extremely nuanced. One should understand that sometimes quitting means leading: The film portrays the greatest legacy of the leader Mandela on the knowledge of when to quit. The president shows that one of the toughest decisions a leader should take is leaving a failed task. Listening is an important task : The film shows the learning for the leaders that Mandela acquired from his young days(Lituchy, Metwally and Henderson 2017, pp.19).According to him, an effective leader sums up all what others say and forms harmony among the diverse opinions. Accepting the flaws and mistakes and being self-aware is the key to success: The movie portrayed the bold speeches and realization of the leader that he was not resistant to flattery and periodic judgments. It is important to make sacrifices as a leader in certain situations: The greatest sacrifice by the leader as shown in the movie was his decision of not appealing for his conviction (Ferraris 2015, pp.1413).He believed that the movement and whatever he has done was for moral reasons, for his country. Besides, an analysis of the effective leadership skills identified from the movie and from the character of Nelson Mandela is listed below: Keeping a track of the long-term purposes and encouraging the followers to join the mission The mission or achieving a target is important but not more than family at any level Encouraging the team members to join and make suggestions in the decision-making process. Forget and forgive (Klassen 2017,pp.26). Emotions are an important part of a human life and being a leader it is essential to express them to the other people One should never let his targets or goals cause close-mindedness. Lastly one should be loyal to himself and to the country since loyalty pays. The movie shows a different dimension of the character of the great leader. Apart from the leadership lessons from his nature, the movie highlighted three main components of a successful leadership trait. These are: The key to freedom is Education: From the beginning of his career, Mandela realized that education is the one and the only true path to success and freedom. The movie shows his outstanding efforts in academics and his successful career in law. Challenge the authority-the one and only way to be recognized and remembered: The movie shows how Mandela as a child developed strong opinions regarding the injustice in the society which enabled him to gain the courage to challenge the authority. The most crucial time to practice is just after your biggest failure: The movie shows that in 1964, Mandela was taken into custody after he was caught in the conspiracy to overthrow the government (Beresford 2014, pp.297).Right after this devastating failure, Mandela got right back to practice, stood up and started the protest again. Conclusion Leaders are more effective when their behavior is dependable in certain situations. Situations influence the consequences of the behavior of a leader. The above analysis depicts the Leadership effectiveness model of DuBrin and the factors influencing the effectiveness of leadership. The report is an analysis of the film Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, the autobiography of the famous humanitarian leader Nelson Mandela. The leadership traits by the leader and the links with the DuBrins model have been analyzed. Leading through a critical situation is a form of contingency leadership, Mandela throughout his life has fought for his black countrymen who were looked down upon by the whites. The movie shows how he left his successful career in advocacy and ended up in jail before becoming the first black president of South Africa.The path-goal theory and the Fiedlers Contingency Theory has been the best example of the leadership style of Nelson Mandela. The report highlights Mandelas strateg ic vision and the tenacity to hold it with his self-belief and unbreakable self-confidence. His struggle against the apartheid, life in the prison and electing as a successful leader shows his commitment towards his country. This report summarizes all the lessons in leadership one can acquire from Nelson Mandela. References Alvesson, M. and Spicer, A., 2012. Critical leadership studies: The case for critical performativity.Human relations,65(3), pp.367-390. Avolio, B.J. and Yammarino, F.J. eds., 2013. 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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Othello Essays (777 words) - Othello, Iago, Brabantio,

Othello Language Task: Show how Othello`s language reflects the change in the mood between the early part of the play (act I) and act III scene III (line 334, end, and the death scene). Intro: Othello is the story of an African general who falls in love with a rich Venetian nobleman's Daughter, to wed her, but after a short while things aren't all what they seem. When lieutenant Iago puts his foot in it and stirs up relationships to degenerate general Othello out of jealousy. Othello loses it and thing's go very downhill. Act I scene II: In this part of the play it does not seem as though Othello is a man who likes trouble within his environment unless on the battleground. He likes to keep an idyllic situation, quote "Tis better as it is" (Othello at the start of the play ) he uses short and simple language. Next Othello says, "let him do his spite, my services which I have done my signiory" He is telling Brabantio to say what he wants as the council will never put me away for the services I have done for this country. Othello knows he's in control, he shows this by using words like Stuff, I lack,......service, Yerked, Magnifico, Give him cable, etc. The first impressions of Othello are: YEAH, THIS GUY KNOWS, WHAT HES DOING FOR SURE, as he is a fluent speaker, good with words and very highly confident. He shows his confidence when he speaks quote "My parts, my title, and my perfect soul shall manifest me rightly", -he is trying to say I know what I am doing, and what I am doing is right. "My life upon her faith", -Again confidence. Desdemona will not say a word against my actions or me. He has exact control of all situations and conversations. We can see all this observing his general code of language and his behaviour when in difficult situations. In his second quote he says to Brabantio that, you can say what you want, I shall allow you, as I knows that I will not go to jail as I have done too much for Venice. (Again confidence). When the council is questioning him, he manages to sweet talk his way out of it by using the tone of his voice (calm and gentle) and words like, Most reverend signiores etc. "But I love thee gentle Desdemona" Is his next quote to the council. His vocabulary is very big and he thoroughly has control of his sentences and actions. Othello starts off with his characteristic dignified idiom but due to a man, whose every utterance is deception, who takes Othello into false words to change the identities of his loved ones to be his worst enemies, Othello degenerates to become a psycho. Othello first uses the power of his speech (to show his position), to create his image, but then falls to be, in a way, a psychiatric (false), villain, who kills his friends, and his only family. Iago does not show his opposition to Othello but does always create a yes sir, yes sir, three bags full sir atmosphere when around him. (False friendship). Othello often uses colourful words in sound and in his speech (e.g.; - Keep up your bright swords, for the due will"...shows he is also a powerful speaker. Othello never steps out the soldier image and he always keeps precise speech, sincerity and devotion to his job. Even in his fall he stays a soldier- "Damn her, lewd minx! Oh damn her, damn her (three times), come, go with me apart, will withdraw, to furnish me with some swift means of death, for the fair devil, now art though my lieutenant". Towards the end of the play, Othello begins to lose his powerful speech in himself, as he is not so confident. What Iago says about Desdemona and Cassio, he starts to believe, but then he is unsure of it, he even loses it physically, where starts to have eppiliptical fits. In and around act III scene III Othello begins to lose his self-confidence, where he begins to see his wife and himself through Iago's eyes. He also begins to corrupt himself because of Iago's characteristic expression. His style begins to break down, and he begins to get very agitated. Othello starts to repeat his words three times just to establish himself. When he talks of his wife he uses words such as pish, nose, ears, lips, its possible, confess, handkerchief, oh devil. These words

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Guidelines Alternative Medicine Essay

Guidelines Alternative Medicine Essay Guidelines: Alternative Medicine Essay alzheimers.org.uk Complementary and alternative therapies and dementia There are high levels of public interest in the various complementary and alternative therapies available today. Many people with dementia, and those who care for them, are interested in using these therapies as alternatives or additions to their conventional treatments, often due to the perceived benefits that they may bring and the image of being ‘safe’ and ‘natural’. This factsheet explains what complementary and alternative therapies are, outlines several therapies for which there is some evidence of their effectiveness and describes how to access these treatments. This factsheet only addresses therapies that have an evidence base and does not cover treatments for which there is no clinical evidence of effectiveness in dementia, even if they are widely used (such as homeopathy). What are complementary and alternative therapies? The term ‘complementary and alternative therapy’ covers many diverse forms of treatment. Complementary and alternative therapies are a broad range of treatments that are outside of conventional medicine and are used to treat or prevent illness and promote health and well-being. Practitioners of complementary therapies are not trained to diagnose disease. 1 The area of complementary and alternative medicine is controversial and changes regularly. Therapies that are considered ‘complementary’ or ‘alternative’ in one country may be considered conventional in another. Therapies that are currently considered alternative may become more mainstream over time, as researchers discover their effectiveness and they become integrated into mainstream health care practice. Some complementary and alternative therapies are now available on the NHS, although this varies from region to region. Using complementary and alternative therapy versus conventional medicine Complementary and alternative therapy should only be used in addition to, not instead of, conventional medicine. If you decide to use complementary and alternative therapy it is important that you continue to see your doctor and keep them informed of the treatments you are having. Although most complementary and alternative treatments have a good safety profile they are not 100 per cent safe and there are serious safety concerns about some therapies. For example, some herbal preparations may interact harmfully with conventional drugs. It is therefore very important that your doctor knows exactly what you are taking. Don’t be nervous about telling your doctor what you are using – awareness of complementary and alternative therapy is increasing among the medical profession, and most doctors are sympathetic to its use. How widespread is complementary and alternative therapy? At least one in four people in England are thought to have used complementary or alternative therapy in the past year. In recent surveys, 85 per cent of medical students, 76 per cent of GPs and 69 2 per cent of hospital doctors have said they feel that complementary therapies should be made available on the NHS. This widespread interest helps to encourage research in the area. One common concern is the difficulty in regulating such a varied range of treatments. Most forms of complementary and alternative therapy have one or more governing bodies, which set standards for the training and services provided and codes of conduct for practitioners. However, these are often self-regulated and membership tends to be voluntary. A report by the House of Lords in 2000 called for more regulation, and research to investigate effectiveness and safety. However, current regulation is still patchy. In 2008 the Department of Health funded the Prince’s Foundation for Integrated Health to set up the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council to regulate 12 alternative therapies, such as aromatherapy, reflexology and homeopathy (see ‘Useful

Friday, November 22, 2019

Attitude Legislation And Litigation Education Essay

Attitude Legislation And Litigation Education Essay Provision of education in the current world has been faced with many challenges especially regarding the equality issues in the society. This paper addresses the social implications of attitude, legislation and litigation on the lives of students with disabilities. Introduction Over the years, disabled people in the society have been forced to live with many challenges regarding their disabled status. Disabled people have several problems in terms of movement, education and many other social activities as they are not able to participate and be able to be involved in these activities. The education sector has not been left out as the disabled students are faced with many challenges in learning compared to their fellow students who are not disabled. The society has been forced to come up with ways in which the disabled can be given preferential treatment and services compared to the other members of the society through introduction of legislation and mitigations to govern the educati on of the disabled. For the past years, the services given to people with disability especially in the education sector have been ineffective as a result of several reasons that cause poor service delivery to the disabled in the special education sector. Financial issue has been a major hindrance in provision of services in the special education sector as there have been issues of fewer funds allocated to this sector. There is also a problem regarding logistics as the assistance and services offered by several agencies require a lot of effort for them to act and give the necessary help needed (Gordon, 2004 p.72-89). The attitude of people towards people with disabilities has several impacts on the lives of the people living with disabilities. The disabled have been forced to live with the impacts of negative social attitude towards them and a further social stigma apart from the larger problem they are facing regarding their mental or physical impediments as a result of their disabi lity. The negative attitude towards people with disabilities can be seen through social rejection of disabled people by the society members a vice that is present across several cultures. People with disabilities have several more needs than that of a normal person and therefore there is development of a notion in the society that people with disabilities are a burden to the society. This factor helps nature the negative attitude towards people with disabilities in the society. This negative attitude impacts negatively on the lives of students with disabilities as it makes them see themselves as a burden to the society from their many needs and furthers the social stigma these students are faced with a factor that impacts negatively on their education. Attitude towards people with disability has been negatively displayed through several cultures that see mental retardation as souls that are possessed by evil spirits or punished by God and hence require religious interventions or exo rcism. Such attitudes vested in the minds of people impacts negatively on their attitude towards the disabled as they are forced to see the disabled as less human beings and further the social stigma faced by people with disability (Gordon, 2004 p.72-89)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Requisite Factors to Successful Team Buildup Research Paper

The Requisite Factors to Successful Team Buildup - Research Paper Example The goal of teams should be to share knowledge and other pertinent information in a free manner, to learn from each other, to assist each other in the completion of mutual jobs, to assist each other in the breaking of bottlenecks that are unexpected when they occur, to flexibly shift workloads and to share the resources at their disposal. All these expectations can be summed up by simply saying that collaboration yields the best results in teams. Team members should be in a position to say that they â€Å"swim and sink† together, desire for the success of each other and consider their goals as being common (Bayazit & Mannix, 2003). The starting point in order to achieve the set objectives is the support from the executive. The most senior educator ´s policy is the one that is reflected in the everyday performance by the teams. Research has shown that teams usually perform to the best of their abilities following their executives ´ investment in support of social relationsh ips, the creation of gift culture, demonstration of collaborative behaviour within themselves and in the interaction with employees (Shadur, 1999). Interaction perhaps is the most crucial as employees will view it as a gift in itself and will treasure it hence acting as a motivator. The investment in signature relationships among employees and subordinates can be in a variety of ways equally effective and unique to the setup they are being invested in. For example, having a single staffroom where teachers have cubicles can assist in the creation of a community sense compared to having individual offices for teachers.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Poll 211 research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Poll 211 - Research Paper Example The war affected virtually every nation of the world as each moved to align themselves with either the U.S. or the Soviet Union. This paper examines how the Cold War affected the U.S. foreign policy then and now. In terms of its organization, a proxy of the Cold War is discussed. Next, the author explains the factors that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the resultant chaos. Next, the author discusses the impact of the collapse of the Soviet Union at three levels: the impact on scholars of international relations at the time and the impact on the U.S. foreign policy then and now. Finally, the author draws conclusions about international relations based on the findings of the research. A proxy war is fought alongside a major full-scale conflict(Leffler & Painter, 2005). Usually, a major power will instigate a proxy war without directly involving itself. Many proxy wars were fought during the Cold War. The wars provided opportunities for the United States and the Soviet Union to stage armed conflict â€Å"behind† the Cold War. The Greek Civil War was one of such proxy wars. The Greek civil war pitted the Democratic Army of Greece (DSE), supported by the U.S. against the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), whom Russia backed(Nachmani, 1990).The DSE wanted to gain control of the country from the KKE. Backed by and Britain and the U.S., the DSE were initially successful. Besides the backing by the two powers, the DSE had superior maneuvers in the battlefield. Meanwhile, the KKE made many political errors and Yugoslavia withdrew their support for them. Yugoslavia’s withdrawal marked the beginning of the fall of the KKE. In the end, DSE won the war. Greece largely abandoned Communism and the sphere of influence of democratic/capitalist ideals increased as did tensions between the two powers. In December 1991, Americas rival, the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Biographical and Psychological Strategies Essay Example for Free

Biographical and Psychological Strategies Essay Often, people would resolve into using the biographical strategy when they come into a dead end in trying to interpret a work. This is what I like about this particular strategy because it can provide answers to unanswered questions that are not possible to be derived from the work alone. Sometimes, a look at the life of the author helps in understanding a piece of literature. Some say that is a lazy man’s approach into interpreting a text but that does not mean that it is not an effective way. I believe that in all works, there is always a piece of the author in their writings, making this strategy a valid one. We simply cannot deny the fact that the works of an author are almost always influenced by his experiences. I also like how this approach becomes investigative in nature because of the â€Å"digging† of information for the authors’ lives. What I Don’t Like About Psychological Strategies Unlike biographical strategies, psychological strategies do not quite get me that excited. This strategy urges critics to look for â€Å"symbolic† meanings in every work which just complicate things. Though I understand the importance of symbols in literature, this strategy can sometimes be used too much and give symbolism into things and events that are not even meant by the author to have symbols. Though this might contradict my likeness for biographical strategies, I believe that events should (at least most of the time) stand on their own. Another thing that I do not like about psychological strategies is the Oedipus complex theory; it is just far too taboo for me to think of such things. Speaking of theory, this is what mostly this strategy is based on—theory, which means, it is not as reliable as a biographical approach because the latter is based on the lives of the authors, not on speculated ideas.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Legionnaire’s Disease Essay -- Diseases, Disorders

Legionnaires disease, characterized as a form of pneumonia, is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Legionella. Legionnaires disease accumulated its name after it spread to more than 4,000 World War II Legionnaires, as well as their family and friends, which all gathered to participate in the 58th American Legion's convention in Philadelphia, about 600 of whom were staying at the hotel this convention was being held at. The day after the convention was being hosted, a great number of the people began feeling ill. No one began to think anything of it, because the symptoms were beginning to be very similar to any other stomach flu. It wasn’t until the American Legionnaires started dying of an illness no one could figure out what was, that endless tests were completed, and Medical specialists came to a conclusion that a bacteria, Legionella, was spreading through the air conditioning vents in the convention hotel. (Legionnaires disease: A history if its discovery). This n on contagious infection enters the body through contaminated bacteria into water vapor that we breathe in, affecting the bronchial tubes, and lungs. Legionnaires disease was then given it’s name in 1976, after it killed 34 people from the convention in Philadelphia. People affected with Legionnaires disease often have signs and symptoms extremely similar to signs associated with the flu, such as muscle aches, headaches, loss of appetite, and cough. Fevers tend to get high, ranging from temperatures of 102-105 degrees. Symptoms of Legionnaires disease usually do not show up until 2-10 days after a person is infected with the bacteria, and people normally experience other symptoms such as diarrhea and stomach cramps. Pontiac Fever, also known to be associate... ... Edelstein, Paul H. Legionnaires Disease: History and Clinical Findings. Legionella: Molecular Microbiology, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2011. http://www.open-access-biology.com/legionella/edelstein.html. Nordqvist, Christian. "What Is Legionnaires' Disease? What Causes Legionnaires' Disease?" Medical News Today. National Health Service , n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2011. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/18413.php. "Legionnaires' disease: FAQ." HC Info. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2011. http://www.hcinfo.com/ldfaq.htm. Legionnaires Disease, What is it? Yahoo groups, n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2011. http://www.gatesit.com.au/legion/Legionnaires_Disease_What_is_it.htm. "Legionnaires' disease." Mayo Clinic. N.p., 2 Aug. 2011. Web. 15 Dec. 2011. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/legionnaires-disease/DS00853.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Freedom of Marriage Essay

The reasoning of any just law is meant to be rational and, moreover, fair. However, the government has failed to recognize the rights of many American citizens because they do not conform to society’s stereotypical standards. In a nation founded on freedom, have today’s citizens evolved into narrow-minded drones that bind minorities into what they believe are the â€Å"correct† moral standards? Have the basic freedoms guaranteed by our forefathers been stripped away in order to protect the strict moral codes society has placed upon itself. Same-sex marriage should be legal because it is discriminatory to deny homosexual couples the same rights as heterosexual couples. The illegalization of same-sex marriage excludes gay couples from the same financial marital benefits guaranteed to married heterosexuals. The denying of these rights is no longer a decision to be made by the U. S. government as religious beliefs are strongly imbedded in the ceremony of marriage. Contrary to common beliefs, the legalization of same-sex marriage has not degraded the traditional values associated with a marriage. The constitutional right of marriage is currently being denied to many American citizens. The actions of many have contributed to discrimination against a minority who deserve their birthright as American citizens to join in homosexual unions. Exclusion of marital benefits from homosexual couples contributes to the large financial strain of being gay. Taxation relief, family health care benefits, social security spousal benefits, and inheritance rights all lessen the financial burden on married heterosexual couples, but these benefits do not pertain to married homosexuals today. All of these benefits excluding same-sex couples lead to an exponentially higher cost of living. â€Å"In our worst case, the couple’s lifetime cost of being gay was $467,562. But the number fell to $41,196 in the best case for a couple with significantly better health insurance, plus lower taxes and other costs. † (Siegel Bernard, Lieber) The numbers represent the discriminatory effects of illegalizing homosexual marriage. â€Å"Same-sex couples, become â€Å"strangers† to the basic rights of liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and re at risk for minority stress and its health consequences. † (Riggle, Thomas, Rostosky) In a country founded on equal rights, American laws pertaining to gay marriage necessitate punishment on individuals only seeking to gain a right heterosexuals already have. Religious beliefs present the most persuasive arguments against the legalization of gay marriage. The majority of religions strictly prohibit the union of homosexual couples as the union supposedly to defile the religious ceremony of marriage. Some may recognize the validity of this argument; however, the U. S. government should not be influenced by this religious defense when considering illegality of homosexual marriage. America was founded on the belief in freedom of religion, which is why 221 years ago the first amendment to the U. S. constitution restricted the government from having any religious affiliations. The amendment stands today as the overpowering counterpoint against illegalization of gay marriage due to religious conflicts. The government does not have the right to illegalize homosexual marriage based solely on religious prohibition of the practice. Many individuals believe that same-sex marriage will increase the already high divorce rates. This belief is propelled by the misconception that the institution of marriage will be weakened by the allowance of homosexual unions thus increasing leniency of divorce. Allowing same-sex marriage will not impair family values, but will instead generate a new family dynamic. This new model of a family will not affect the traditional aspects of a family; it will simply leave the option of same-sex marriage open. The derogatory affects of same-sex marriage in society are so minimal that, â€Å"In Massachusetts, which legalized gay marriage in 2004, the divorce rate has declined by 21 percent and is the lowest in the country by some margin. The state which experienced the highest increase in its divorce rate over the period (Alaska, 17. 2 percent) also happens to be the first one to have altered its constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage in 1998. (Silver) Based on these statistics, same-sex marriage will not be detrimental to society. Those opposing gay marriage often argue that a homosexual couple’s inability to procreate is what makes them ineligible for marriage. It is obvious that is anatomically impossible for homosexual couples to reproduce, leading many to question the purpose of gay marriage if procreation is unfeasible. â€Å"Marriage was created to allow society to support heterosexual couples in procreation and society can choose not to give the same benefits to same-sex couples. (Jacobson) If marriage’s only purpose were to support reproduction, homosexual couples would have essentially no purpose for getting married. However, many successfully married heterosexual couples cannot reproduce because of incurable medical conditions. Without the ability to procreate, they would be fairly denied the right to marriage as well as homosexuals. Therefore, the argument presented is invalid because it does not address all couples without the ability to reproduce. The illegalization of same-sex marriage is to be determined by the value society places on fairness. Economically homosexual couples should receive the same compensations for being married as heterosexual couples are provided with. The resulting reimbursements would diminish financial struggles many homosexual couples encounter over the course of their lifetime. Spiritually gay couples deserve the right to freely exhibit their sexual desires without any discriminatory actions expressed by religious followers. Furthermore, the government should not consider these religious beliefs when determining the laws restricting one’s one right to participate in a homosexual marriage. Although many believe that the allowance of gay marriage will directly result in higher divorce rates, the freedom to be in a gay marriage has shown no direct correlation to divorce rates in state’s granting gay marriage. The illegalization of gay marriage is discriminatory against a minority of American citizens whose only desire is to be given the same rights as heterosexuals. The prejudice opinions opposing gay couples must be set aside in order for homosexuals to receive the benefits they fairly deserve.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Battering is a Momentary Loss of Temper

Battering is a form of domestic violence, which involves physical actions aimed at instilling pain, harm the body or to propagate a feeling of intimidation to a partner so that one can get and maintain full control over the victim (Prakashan, 2001). Battering as an abusive behavior has a long trailing history in the global society and its awareness, legislation and perception varies from one country to the other. Several myths have been conceived with a purpose of explaining the main causes of battering.It is in this interest therefore that this paper is written. It seeks to refute the proposed myth that battering is a momentarily loss of temper. Reliable information from the American Medical Association has shown that domestic violence is not an instantaneous thing but a process, which is cultivated by various factors and in most cases over a certain period of time (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2009). The same point is underscored by the Surgeon General of the Unite d States report.True to the word, victims of battering have been subjected to this traumatizing experience over time. Momentarily loss of temper is, in my opinion dictates for occasional incidences of this abusive behavior, which is undoubtedly inhumane. The fact that battering is aimed at gaining and maintaining control over their partners as well as revenging or punishment for betrayals or mistakes done by the victim need to be appreciated right at the beginning of this discussion otherwise the rest of its content might not make the intended impact to the reader (Baskerville, 2006).Based on this fact and judging by the principles of reason one can see the possibility of a long and well planed battering incidence. For instance, unfaithfulness is a major drawback to the family but many a times, one of the partners may fail to have enough evidence on the same and therefore he or she has no ground for divorce (Prakashan, 2001). The problem becomes worse if their intimacy overcomes the ir desire to separate. This can amount to a feeling of betrayal, unhappiness and aggressiveness which as human beings, can accumulate to uncontrollable levels resulting to battering.Various studies have it that most women are more venerable to battering than men. This is evident in the physical strength of men as compared to women (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2009). To avoid being branded a feminist, the author of this paper finds it necessary to mention that men are also victims of domestic violence mostly in forms of verbal and emotional abuse. As a matter of fact, physical abuse like battering is the highest order of family violence beyond which severe injuries or even death can occur (Buzawa, & Buzawa, 2003).Domestic violence starts in the least form like altering abusive words. If the problem is left unsolved, it propagates and instills emotional instabilities like depression, keeping victims isolated from friends and family members. Still if this is left unat tended, it will accumulate to levels which can amount to physical violence which is battering for this matter. In conclusion therefore, the above discussion dismisses the proposed myth that Battering is a momentary loss of temper.It underscores the fact that battering is a form of domestic violence which results from unattended simple forms of domestic violence like verbal and emotional abuse. It is indeed an inhuman act, but it is very common and hence it is the responsibility of any couples to address their differences in a more human manner. Simple forms of domestic violence should not be left unresolved otherwise they can amount to battering. References Baskerville, S. (2006). Family Violence in America: The Truth about Domestic Violence and Children Abuse.Retrieved August 11, 2010, from http://www. acfc. org/site/DocServer/familyviolence. pdf? docID=641 Buzawa, C. , & Buzawa, E. (2003). Domestic Violence: The Criminal Justice Response. California: sage Publications National Coa lition Against Domestic Violence. (2009). Domestic Violence Facts. Retrieved August 11, 2010, from http://www. ncadv. org/files/DomesticViolenceFactSheet(National). pdf Prakashan, P. (2001). Battered Women: A Study of Domestic Violence. Michigan: The University of Michigan.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ipremier Dos Attack Essay Essay Example

Ipremier Dos Attack Essay Essay Example Ipremier Dos Attack Essay Essay Ipremier Dos Attack Essay Essay IntroductionOn January 12th. 2007 at 4:31am. Bob Turley. CIO of the iPremier Company. received a panicky phone call from his IT operations staff. Their external facing web site was â€Å"locked up† and could non be accessed by anyone. including their clients. iPremier is a web-based concern that generates gross through entirely treating on-line orders. While the web waiter was down. the company could non accept any new orders or let their clients to see their merchandises. An inadequately third-party managed and configured router/firewall allowed hackers to put to death a DOS ( Denial of Service ) onslaught on iPremier. I recommend buying a new firewall solution that will be managed and configured by the Company’s IT staff internally. This degree of control will let the company to orient the degree of security they desire and give them the ability to extenuate menaces consequently. Summary of FactsAt 4:31am on January 12th. 2007. Bob Turley ( CIO of iPremier ) received a panicky call from Leon Ledbetter in operations. Leon stated that the Company’s web site was down and that clients could non entree the site. He besides stated electronic mails incorporating the phrase â€Å"ha ha† were being received by the mail waiter. The Company’s proficient operations squad leader. Joanne Ripley called Mr. Turley at 4:39am saying she could non entree their equipment from the line to their office and indicated she was driving toward the Qdata co-located installation. She confirmed that Qdata ( their hosting company ) claims there was non a connectivity issue in or out of the edifice. Ripley stated the she would seek to re-start the web waiter once she reached the installation and confirmed she had an outdated transcript of exigency processs in her vehicle. Shortly after Mr. Turley hung up with Ripley he received a call from Warren Spangler. VP of concern development. Mr. Spangler was concerned with the affect on the Company’s stock monetary value. naming the constabulary or FBI. and basic PR issues ensuing from the incident. After Mr. Turley hung up with Spangler. he received a call from Ripley saying that Leon from operations notified Mr. Spangler of the incident. Turley so proceeded to name Tim Mandel. the Company’s CTO. Mandel advised Turley non to draw the Internet connexion so farther logging could be obtained. He besides disclosed advanced farinaceous logging would non be available due to infinite restraints from finance issue s. He besides received a call from Peter Stewart. the Company’s legal advocate. reding him to draw the stopper on the Internet connexion. Stewart advised that Jack Samuelson. the Company’s CEO. asked him to supply legal advice on the affair. Ripley besides called in and reported she could non entree the NOC due to knowledge and staffing issues at the Qdata installation. At this point Samuelson called Turley straight and advised that his chief concern was acquiring the Company back online and reiterated that Turley should non worry about any PR issues at this minute in clip. Shortly after. Ripley obtained entree to the hosted firewall and determined the closure was due to a SYN inundation type of DOS onslaught. A SYN inundation occurs when â€Å"external hosts attempt to overpower the waiter machine by directing a changeless watercourse of TCP connexion petitions. coercing the waiter to apportion resources for each new connexion until all resources are exhausted ( Lemon. 2 002 ) . Ripley attempted to barricade entree from the arising IP reference but rapidly learned that living dead machines were being used in the onslaught. rendering this attack useless. He hung up with Ripley so received another call from her at 5:46am saying that the onslaught all of a sudden stopped. Ripley confirmed the web site was back on-line and the concern was running every bit usual. This DOS onslaught prevented iPremier from selling merchandises. and allowing clients position merchandises. on their web site. This is the exclusive presence of the concern. and when the web site is down. the company can non bring forth gross. All responsible parties and directors were rapidly involved and attempted to extenuate negative effects to the company. There appeared to be a little gulf between the legal and functional leading advice across the board. The web site was merely down for a small over an hr and iPremier provinces there was no significant impact to the concern at this clip. Problem and Options This denial of service onslaught occurred due to inadequate firewall constellation and direction. This job was farther amplified by the fact that the firewall service was hosted by a third-party seller. Qdata. iPremier recognized staffing and general IT cognition and direction issues with Qdata in the past. but chose non to move upon their finds. iPremier did non hold any active monitoring of the firewall and merely knew there was a series concern runing issue merely when the web waiter was to the full unapproachable and unresponsive. One solution is for iPremier to buy their ain firewall where they can use the proper constellation to forestall farther onslaughts. This degree of direction will besides supply them with advantages where they could to the full supervise the device and to setup dismaies bespeaking when there is a possible issue. iPremier will hold full control over the device leting them to custom-make the degree of security they desire. The drawback is the cognition necessary to adequately configure and keep the device. Another solution is to go on their firewall service with Qdata after a complete audit was performed. Any failings in the security design would hold to be addressed and some type of warrant of service would hold to be put in authorship. I would besides urge that iPremier obtains some type of service degree understanding from Qdata to guarantee a prompt response clip during an incident. Some type of eventuality program must besides be put into topographic point leting them to instantly entree the device locally and remotely during a serious issue. The advantage here is maintaining the current supplier which would non necessitate them to do any web or equipment alterations. The obvious disadvantage would be go oning service with a company who has already failed them in the past screening hapless credibleness. A 3rd solution would be for iPremier to exchange to a firewall and security supplier who would supply a high degree of service for a fee they would experience comfy with. The same type of entree demands would be required during a serious issue to let iPremier entree when deemed necessary. â€Å"Shopping† around for a seller would let them to to a great extent research best in industry suppliers with a proved path record. The advantage here is obtaining a top-level service supplier with the right â€Å"know how† but finally iPremier would hold to reconfigure some equipment and do web alterations. Harmonizing to Allen. Gabbard. May. Hayes. A ; Sledge ( 2003 ) . utilizing a managed service supplier is a feasible solution for administering security operations and duties where the organisation still owns the associated hazards. but allows sharing and extenuation of the hazards. Decision and Decision Regardless of which solution iPremier chooses to implement. they must execute a full audit to bring out precisely what let this DOS onslaught to happen. We know the failing was in the firewall. but cognizing the root cause will let iPremier to utilize this calamity as a larning experience to construct upon in the hereafter. Joanne Ripley seems competent and willing to implement a â€Å"better† solution and I recommend prosecuting her in all treatments affecting this incident traveling frontward. Internal control of a firewall solution will let iPremier direction to acquire every bit involved as they want to be. The CTO and CIO could besides potentially pull studies from the device leting them to do future security planning determinations. Harmonizing to Applegate. Austin. A ; Soule. ( 2009 ) . exchanging IT systems can go hard and dearly-won once it is ingrained into daily activities. This facet of the security solution should decidedly be examined and taken into consideration. Allowing direction and IT staff to be involved in the Company’s security solution will assist maintain up security consciousness in the workplace every bit good. One individual may lose a possible menace that another staff member could acknowledge. Person as plugged in and competent as Ripley should merely be allowed to do alterations to the device. Staff should merely hold adequate entree to execute the necessary undertaking at manus. This would typically merely affect read-only entree to the security devices. iPremier conducts all of its concern through their web site and they can non afford for it to be down for any sum of clip. Mentions Allen. J. . Gabbard. D. . May. C. . Hayes. E. . A ; Sledge. C. ( 2003 ) . Outsourcing managed security services ( No. CMU/SEI-SIM-012 ) . CARNEGIE-MELLON UNIV PITTSBURGH PA SOFTWARE ENGINEERING INST. Applegate. L. M. . Austin. R. D. . A ; Soule. D. L. ( 2009 ) . Corporate information scheme and direction: Text and instances. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Lemon. J. ( 2002. February ) . Defying SYN Flood DoS Attacks with a SYN Cache. In BSDCon ( Vol. 2002. pp. 89-97 ) .

Monday, November 4, 2019

Barclays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Barclays - Essay Example According to Needham (1999), organization is the system that has a conventional structure and cognizant planning, in which people deal and work with one another in a supportive and synchronized manner for the achievement of common and recognized goal. Barclays is a major financial service provider in UK , engaged in retail banking, investment banking, credit cards, corporate banking and wealth management (Plunkett, 2005). They have marked their presence in other countries of the world like Europe, Asia, Africa and United States. The company is operating in more than 50 countries and has employed 147000 people (Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Treasury Committee, 2011). Barclays looks towards investing and protecting the money of their clients and customers from all over the world. Organizational Structure Organizational structure is the hierarchy of the organization that shows how the elements within the organization works together to accomplish the common organizational goals. The organizational structure encompasses employees, departments, responsibilities of the employees, resources they require as well as the relation between the department and the employees working within the organization ... Barclays believes in an organizational structure that encourages continuity of the firm in investment processes. The organizational structure of Barclays is divided into several work groups and units according to their knowledge, expertise, resources and skill. Barclays is headed by the Chairman Sir David Walker. The Group Chief Executive Antony Jenkins is responsible for the strategic planning and direction of all the operations taking place in Barclays (Jenkins, 2013). He reports directly to the Chairman of the organization. The operations of Barclays are divided into two broad categories: Global Retail and Commercial Banking and Investment Banking and Management (Barclays Bank PLC, 2006). The Retail Banking business encompasses the retail banking, business banking, international retail and commercial banking (including and excluding Absa) and Barclays cards (Barclays, 2010). The Chief Executive who looks after all the operations of the Global retail and Commercial banking is also responsible for taking strategic decisions. The president of Barclays PLC and the Chief Executive is responsible for looking after the Investment Banking and Management section. Investment Banking and Management encompasses area like Barclays Capital, Barclays Global Investors and Barclays Wealth. All the decisions related to this branch are taken by the Chief Executive. All the Chief executives, Group finance Director, Group Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of Barclays reports directly to the Group Chief Executive (Barclays Bank PLC, 2006). All the departments like finance, marketing, human resource, audit, risk, investment banking,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Tourism - Essay Example After this point the paper will give some insight as to the overall trends in the international community specifically in the United States. Next an in depth analysis will be conducted as to how the UK travel industry has been affected by the recession and provide insight as to what strategies some organizations have opted to utilize in effort to combat the recession specifically focusing on strategies such as offering new low cost options or increased advertising. Building on these points this paper will argue that many of these changes may simply be short term strategies designed to adjust to temporary changes in consumer preferences and how some strategies are designed to be coherent long term strategies. In an article published by the Suffolk City Council (2008) a number of different groups were identified as being the most likely to be affected by the current recession. Primarily identified were in terms of individuals were people with low incomes such as those people with fixed incomes, and those people unable to cope with rising costs such as those heavily in debt. In regards to manufacturers and service providers the research summary identified that companies manufacturing durable consumer goods such as washing machines or cars will be severely negatively affected by the recession owing to the fact that consumers are reluctant to make big purchases in times of economic uncertainty. More importantly to this topic the Suffolk City Council (2008) identifies that the service sector will be the most negatively affected sector insofar as retail, financial services leisure has already seen some of its biggest decrease in output levels since the mid nineties. The reasoning behind this d ecrease in the service sector (Specifically the leisure sector) is because of the falling consumer confidence in the overall economy. According to Barbaro and Uchitelle (2008) it is the case that in the American context consumer confidence in the strength of

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Virtual Working Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Virtual Working Teams - Essay Example Peru is highly collectivist, in which decision-making is trusted and valued with group emphasis (geert-hofstede.com, 2). France is highly individualistic, valuing rewards and recognition for individual accomplishment of that of group affiliation and group-based norms (geert-hofstede.com, 2); the same is true for the United States. Egyptian protocols are highly social even in the business environment (Dunn, 1). As part of expatriate training, managers will be provided exceptional literature on cultural dimensions to assist in locating top talent for the virtual team role in each geographical region. Training will consist of literature and software scenarios based on customer relationship management principles and corporate social responsibility related to government interaction and business leadership. Training will further consist of inter-dependent group methodologies in the form of role play exercises to highlight scenario responses in a virtual environment. Skype and other streaming software will assist in this development with the HR manager in the U.S. who will observe and recommend solutions based on testing scores and expatriate management assessment. For issues of cost reduction, cloud computing will be the majority of software support. This system provides access to CRM software over the Internet with pay-per-use access (Burns, 11). This will avoid the need for a defined, individualized information technology support system. Communications between teams will occur via existing e-mail systems (i.e. Lotus Notes), streaming video, and teleconferencing. These are effective systems for real-time project communications. However, a recent study using a sample of 42 interviewed virtual team members from 26 different organizations indicated that face-to-face discussion is required in order to gain commitment and build productivity (Dube & Robey, 18). To facilitate this need, key personnel

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How does Socrates trial and punishment resemble those of Malcolm X Research Paper - 1

How does Socrates trial and punishment resemble those of Malcolm X Whose journey was more important or more significant - Research Paper Example Both surrendered themselves to the ideas they tried to communicate during their lives. Even if the death of Socrates was the product of legitimate trial and Malcolm X’s assassination was the result of a lynch-law, both punishments were the acts of human stupidity, killing talented leaders and making positive change virtually impossible. Some authors claim that the trial and punishment of Socrates resembles those of Malcolm X. The logic behind the claim is simple: both were prominent leaders and surrendered themselves to the ideas they were trying to communicate during their lives. Socrates lost his life, being confident that â€Å"wherever a man’s place is, whether the place which he has chosen or that in which he has been placed by a commander, there he ought to remain in the hour of danger; he should not think of death or anything but of disgrace† (Plato 9). Malcolm X, in turn, lost his life as a result of his natural striving toward justice and fairness, away from the political manipulation and deception. Those who say that the trial and punishment of Socrates and Malcolm X were similar are partially right. Like Socrates who drew his inspiration from his inner voice and other people, Malcolm X became a prominent civil rights leader and a changed man, because he had inner guts and skills to lead (Phillips 56). The movie Malcolm X tells the story of the young man’s conversion to Islam and exposes the tragedy of assassinating people as talented and spiritually rich as Malcolm X (Lee). Like Socrates, Malcolm X stands out of the crowd and seeks to communicate his message to people. Socrates disregards Athenian Gods but votes for the significance of honor, honesty, fairness, and justice (Plato 9). Malcolm X, in turn, claims that human rights are â€Å"the rights that are recognized by all nations of this earth† (Malcolmx.com). Both men fell victims to their ideas and the striving to improve the lives of thousands. Both stood in front of the crowd

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of Work Life Balance on Performance

Impact of Work Life Balance on Performance CHAPTER ONE Its all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family Philip Green, British billionaire businessman 1. INTRODUCTION: In cultured and well developed societies including both eastern and western countries the conflicts of work and life balance has been the main issue in the modern and globalised economy. Apparently, the need to maintain flexible work-life balance has become essential as the number of female workers and part time workers have gained more part in the growing globalised multinational organisations (Shelton, 2006). These conflicts are traditionally from societal norms which still requires a man to concentrate on careers rather than on family issues, and it works vice versa with the female members of the society who are supposed to take care of the family more rather than working towards their career options (Walker et al., 2008). The work-life pressures and conflict between personal and professional roles has become the primary area for researches to find the impact of organisational performance due to the imbalanced work-life culture and especially the source of disadvantages women faces in the corporate society. It can be justified as the focus was more on low payment, part-time work culture and absence at the top levels of business (Doherty, 2004). Some more researches of Human Resource and their roles argued that the work-life issue affects the living standards of their employees (Hammer et al., 2004; Shelton, 2006). It was also proved by Shelton (2006), that the working pattern affects the work-life culture and strategies to maintain a balanced structure and the organisational performance. In United Kingdom a variety of work-life balance rules and policies has been implemented by the Labour government since their three successive rules since 1997 (Lewis and Campbell, 2007). 1.1 PURPOSE AND RESEARCH QUESTION: The main purpose of this research work is to analyse the impact of work-life balance on the organisational performance, especially the retail sector (TESCO), which is operating at a huge scale in United Kingdom and Europe and moving internationally. The main area of this research concentrates on the shop floor workers who work in direct relation with their customers who are the main sources of income for the organisation. This study can be used by the Store Managers and Operational Managers of TESCO to develop and implement various needs and wants of their employees especially the shop floor workers in order to improve the organisational performance. The following questions are considered to be the main areas of my research: How the imbalanced work-life culture affects the organisational performance in the retail industry (TESCO), whose main customers is the general public. This question leads to some sub-questions which need to be analysed in order to attain the answer for the main area of study, specifically: How organisations handle work-life conflicts? Is there any influence on the work-life balance strategies on Human Resource and other management practices? What are the main strategies to maintain a balanced work-life culture? What are the main factors of motivation? Is there any relationship between work-life balance and organisational performance? My research is organised in a flow to understand the needs and wants of an employees who works in direct contacts with customers. In my first chapter the major definitions to terms, role of balanced work-life culture, and its importance in relation with Human Resource Management is discussed before moving to the literature part of my research work. In the next chapter the previous studies relating to my research work has been critically analysed to support my research work and moving down to methodology chapter to state how the data collection work was carried out to support my research. This chapter depicts the ways used to collect data and how it was interpreted. The last chapter of my research work is the crucial one and it analysis all the data and gives empirical results of my research study supported by recommendations and conclusion to my work. 1.2 BACKGROUND: In the developed countries, the work-life balance conflict has gained its prominence as the globalised world tends to increase the level of competition among the rival firms in the same sector. Hence, it is considered that Human Resource Management department has a role to play in maintaining a balanced work-life culture in order to motivate the employees to work committed for the organisational growth. The retail market in the United Kingdom is expected to plunge by 15% by 2011 valuing over  £312bn (Datamonitor, UK Retail Futures 2011), showing the slowdown in the annual growth and the increase in the operating cost which acts as the hindrance to utilise the limited available capital. The world economic crisis and changes in the spending perspective of the general public has changed the way the retail industry was operating. Thus, Human Resource is considered as the vital department to tackle this operational changes by finding right people for the right job and ensure they work c ommitted for the organisational growth. Thus overall view of the retail industry has been a tough challenge for the HRM to provide high standards of training and development programmes to their employees. But at the same time it is necessary to understand the needs and requirements of the employees at the operational level who directly work with the end customers in order to provide quality services. TESCO, a leading supermarket retailer in the food and non-food sector operating in United Kingdom and in 13 other countries around the world have more than 500,000 employees and moving rapidly with new and potential markets. This shows the importance of Human Resource Management to maintain a balanced work-life culture which will boost organisational growth. There are various motivational factors that gives job satisfaction and helps to maintain a balanced life, which has to be identified in order to concentrate on that to provide quality training and development needs. 1.3 CONCLUSION: This research work concentrates on finding the motivational factors and the level of awareness among the Customer Assistants who work in the shop floor of TESCOs to improve the training and development programmes. The current economic situation has spared the corporate with limited sources and hence it is not wise to spend lot of money on unnecessary and unwanted programmes. The researcher has used the time and resources to collect and discuss some related topics in the literature review chapter before choosing his research methods. After the discussion about the importance of the objectives in the literature review the researcher moves to methodology chapter to know about the available methods and techniques to collect and analyse the data. At last the analysed data is used to interpret and conclude the argument to find out some recommendations for the organisation. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW: A days work is a days work, neither more nor less, and the man who does it needs a days sustenance, a nights repose and due leisure, whether he be painter or ploughman George Bernard Shaw 2.1 INTRODUCTION: The role of Human Resource Management has increased lately, as the globe has become too small and the brands have moved internationally. This revolution in the global trade has increased the nature of job to be more time bound and customer oriented leaving the employees lot of stress to maintain a balanced work-life culture. Hence, it has become the primary role of Human Resource Department to train and develop their employees to maintain a balanced work-life culture. This chapter finds the literature research works that have been carried out in the past to support the research questions and aims and objectives of the research work. 2.2 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: The Human Resource Management (HRM) is undergoing significant change in designing management systems to utilise the skilled human talents efficiently and effectively to attain the increased levels of organisational goals. All types of organisations, including from small to big, have to recruit, select, train and manage effectively to attain their individual and corporate goals. Hence, Human Resource is essential to fulfil the requirements of both side employees and employers. On the other hand HR has to abide by the legal systems that has been passed out by the government of the nation, and especially in case of international or multinational business firms. Therefore Human Resource Management is considered to be a vital management department whose prime responsible not only stick to recruitment and placing the employees under job, but extends from job satisfaction and retention till retirement, as they are the main capital of every organisation (Mathis and Jackson, 2007). The introduction of part time work culture in United Kingdom has been the cause for the improvement of HRM activities as the multicultural society faces lot of legal and other issues from social backgrounds. Especially the retail giants like TESCO, Sainsbury, Primark, and Marks Spencer are investing lot of their time and money to frame some strategic systems to maintain a balanced work culture which has its direct impact on the organisational performance (Maxwell et al., 2008). On the contrary some people take their employment as their career opportunity to grow within an organisational sector and works dedicated balancing both lives. In such cases the Human Resource Management has to support their employees through training and development programmes to motivate them to go forward with their balanced work life. 2.3 RETAIL INDUSTRY: The growing technology and internationalisation has been a challenge to most industries including the retail industry which operates all over the west and in direct relationship with their customers. This is one of the major industries which have close contact with the customers daily on face to face basis. Hence, this industry requires the employees to be have well balanced work-life culture to deal smoothly with their customers. Retail internationalisation has gained overwhelming focus during the recent years, as the concept of globalisation has attained maturity. This concept has given the well-established retailers like TESCO, Sainsbury, Wall-Mart, etc., to move into international markets with their strong domestic success. The new concepts in the Human Resource Management and the development in the globalisation has given lots of challenges to maintain employees at peace across culture and across global and international laws (Burt et al., 2005). Until late 1990s products were c entral to some organisations, including both intangible and tangible assets. Traditionally manufactures were concerned about the designing and production of goods, whilst retailers were engaged in gathering the products for directly selling to the customers. Moving forward with the economic and cultural changes, the way the retailers work have been changed from just retailing the products and services to manufacture, market, and sell their goods and services and make it available to customers at all convenient levels. Thus the retail market has widened its business from selling to overall business opportunities. The retail industry has split further into various sectors and includes various types of products and contributing a major chunk to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of United Kingdom, both in the production output and employment rate (Varley, 2001). This evolution of retail business in the west especially in the Europe and United States has given lot of opportunities to the retail business to set up lots of projects under pipeline. This developed the construction and food industry in the United Kingdom and in most European countries. The development in the retail industry has widened the opportunities for the international studen ts and the locals studying in United Kingdom. The retail industry in-spite of recession is doing good and pushing the economy from recession to recovery. During 2007, retail industry has produced the highest return in the property business. The retail business has increased the existence of shopping centres accommodating lots of restaurants, entertainment and other complexes which attracts a huge customer base (Dijkman, 2008). The 2007-2008 economic crisis had shaken the entire industry from its development. Though the economic hit was hard, the retail industry jumped out from the storm to lead the economy towards recovery. The growth of high street business was slowed down during March 2009 and thereon, whereas more than 13% of retailers showed stronger sales during this period when compared to the same period a year ago in 2007. This proved the consumer spending is more in the retail industry and its plays an important challenge to the Human Resource Management to rightly take up this opportunity to develop their business. Hence Human Resource works out to fix employee satisfaction and employees benefit to increase their operational output (Wade, 2010). 2.4 ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE: Human Resource department has become the back bone of every organisation, and it is vital for the employees to know how it operates. In others view it is urged that Human Resource is an evil, a bureaucratic force enforcing unnecessary rules and regulations, restricting innovation and hinders the required changes. The Human Resource department is responsible in finding the suitable hires for the right job at the right time, which is considered as one of the main reason for increasing job stress and unsatisfactory level of performance (Mathis and Jackson, 2007). Any strategic activity by HRM is done once it has identified and analysed thoroughly the surroundings or environment where it operates. Hence, organisational culture plays a vital role in maintaining work life balance among its employees (Torrington et al., 2005). Human Resource Management (HRM) is considered as the basis of all management and not as the basis for business activity. The old organisational culture of depending on product or services offered by them to increase the organisational performance does not hold well in modern developed economy. The employees or workers of the company are considered as the major asset to increase the organisational performance and brand image in the market. Managing these resources has to be done constantly by balancing the organisational needs and employees needs that work together to attain the corporate objectives. The changes in the workforce and expectations among the employees and companies HR managers have to work innovatively to convert their organisational background or culture a more friendly and efficient. Especially the employees working in the retail market is considered as the important market in the United Kingdom and are forms the major workforce (Boone, L., and Kurtz, D., 2008). 2.5 E-HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: The modern technological world has witnessed changes in the policies and practices that have been followed in old organisational culture. It is very important for all brick-and-mortar organisations to adopt changes out from the introduction of electronic and web based practices, as the newly introduced web based practices changed the business-to-business practices, the activities of a marketplace, changes in the supply chain, and acts as a catalyst for business. These changes provide HR management with lots of challenges to maintain value in the system to attract the employees and make them satisfied with their work culture in order to maintain a balanced work-life culture to improve the organisational performance. The dot com business has changed the way the business was carried out and it has given a challenging work culture to the employees in all major sectors including the retail market. This revolutionary age has been the reason for Enron to file bankruptcy, and internet age is growing together with the business and globalisation and not going down. The growth in the B2B business and B2C business has enhanced the usage of eHRM within and outside the organisation. This has been a challenge to maintain work-life balance as this web based technology has introduced work from home culture, any time availability for work, etc., which disturbs the personal life at every moment (Torres-Coronas and Arias-Oliva, 2005). 2.6 WORK LIFE BALANCE: Work-life balance is usually viewed as the lack of work-life conflict or mostly the strength in which where work life interferes with family life or vice versa (Grzywacz and Carlson, 2007). Work-life balance relates to the absence of conflict in their personal and professional life (Clark, 2000) as satisfaction and committed and dedicated work without any role conflicts (Guest, 20002). Shaw (2003) has stated that work-life balance extents to individuals who are engaged equally and fully satisfied in both places. It is also considered as a global assessment that work resources meet family demands, and family resources meet work demands such that participation is effective in both domains (Voydanoff, 2005; Grzywacz and Carlson, 2007). Work and leisure is no longer related to any certain kind of jobs or market, and it has become an international requirement for every organisation to compete with their rivals and maintain a satisfied employees group (Lewis, 2003). In terms of United King doms department of Trade and Industry, Work-Life balance is defined as the about adjusting working patterns regardless of age, race or gender, [so] everyone can find a rhythm to help them combine work with their other responsibilities or aspirations (Maxwell, 2005). It is always considered that the work-life balance is very essential to maintain a health working conditions for the organisational benefit and for the benefit of its employees (Barnett, 1998; Edwards and Rothbard, 2000). Similarly, it had been proved by so many research works that the conditions of work life balance have its impact on the performance of the organisation (Kersley et al., 2005; Bureau of Labour, 2007). To maintain work and life a in a balanced scale, there are so many factors and so many persons to play in maintaining balance and harmony of their employees (Allen et al., 2006). Work life balance concerns on employees having a measure to control about where, when and how they work (Clutterbuck, 2003), and the new policies are initiated in strengthening the work life balance in United Kingdom and European Union (DTI, 2002; Lewis et al., 2003) and it has been argued that the employees should co-ordinate various aspects of professional and personal life to have a balanced life. After the introduction of globalisation in the economy, most organisations including the retail firms have started to move across cultures and across oceans to increase their presence and customer base. So, it has seen an intense increase in the working peoples working hours and their working life, which has both positive and negative impact on individuals professional and personal life (Lewis et al., 2003; Bryson et al., 2007; Bulger et al., 2007; Fereday, 2007). This term work-life balance has come out to replicate the concerns the working individuals face to manage their lives equally to improve the living conditions of the society and the performance of the organisation (Greenblatt, 2002; de Cieri et al., 2005; Pocock, 2005; Bryson et al., 2007, Fleetwood, 2007, McDonald et al., 2007). The retail industries have grown to support the community and it has converted the main stores to provide 24/7 services to the society (Pryjmachuk and Richards, 2007). Supple working conditions facilitate autonomy in work place and it improves work-life balance of the employees (Barriball et al., 2007; Dwyer et al., 2007). Many organisations tout work-life balance as a value, and always the workaholics are given more rewards and respect. But this concept holds no good any more as the introduction of globalisation and its cultural impact has turned the organisations to show more interest in maintaining work-life balance for its employees. The modern era has c reated more leaders to pay their attention towards work-life balance and they moralize the good value of upholding a balanced life inside and outside the organisation. It helps to improve more productivity while at work. Work and family issues are not the case during survival farmers and their families worked together to make a living. It has started once the family units made a male breadwinner for their house-wives. It was stated that during world war II, when most of the men in the west are out for war, the women population of more than70% were in the workforce, including pregnant women, which had been a hot topic of those times to maintain balance between their family commitments and to make a living (Shilling, 2009). It is very important to maintain a good balance especially when the employees have kids and old people to take care at home. In the views of Shelton (2006), work-life disagreement is the form of inter-role issue starting due to stress originating from one or more roles and responsibilities. The bonus, pay and other options are great but at the same time every job has got its roles and responsibilities that gives pressures and has direct and indirect effects on the personal and organisational life. This depends on the leadership and managerial skills of the manager who manages the team (Flaum, 2009). Especially women employees are considered more sentimental and dedicated towards their personal and professional life and have less free time as they are tied up with family and society. Shelton (2006) created a hypothetical framework on the constructs based on role conflicts and role involvement to positive plans the effective strategies to reduce work-life conflicts, through influencing roles. The work-life conflict reduces the well-being of the organisational culture and gradually affects the overall organis ational performance. 2.7 HISTORICAL OUTLOOK OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE: Since the introduction of globalisation and free trade, organisations started to move globally and freely with fewer restrictions on investments in the outside market and this has changed the roles and responsibilities of HRM. Originally the issue of work-life was considered as a problem between family and work (Lewis, 2003), and eventually it was argued that its not the issue between work and life, but between the organisational performance and employee satisfaction and dedication towards work. Furthermore the working timings of the employees were considered as one of the major issue to maintain a balanced work culture and they have introduced flexitime to challenge this issue. This issue broadened along men, women, families, and cultures of the organisations (Bird, 2006). Major research work considers individuals as a unit (Family or Team) and not as separate individual who works without any relationship with their sub-ordinates. Traditionally it is viewed as the absence of conflic t among work and family, or the level of intensity or frequency of work interfering family or vice versa (Grzywacz and Carlson, 2007). 2.8 GLOBAL AND DOMESTIC WORK-LIFE BALANCE MODELS: In many contexts it is considered whether the domestic models hold good in international podium, where the globalisation has changed the international business are carried out. In the global context the main issues to be examined is whether work interferes with life on certain outcomes. In United States it has been proved that the domestic work interferes more on personal life than in any other country, but in other global environments it is considered that personal life interfere with work. This depends on the responsibilities and roles the employees play within an organisation and their role in the family, hence considering both sides from life to work and work to life (Greenhaus, 1988; Dixbury and Higgins, 1991; Frone et al., 1997; Edwards and Rothbard, 2000; Shaffer et al., 2001). The United Kingdom is facing lots of political issues out from people living longer, the changes in the needs of men and women in the labour market in terms of private life and other ways of working. Lots of models have been framed to calculate the work life balance of both genders at various periods and requirements of life. Shelton (2006) created a notional structure supporting role involvement and conflict to envisage the importance of strategies to lower the impacts of conflicts on balanced work culture or manoeuvring roles. This conflict is positively correlated with both organisational performance and family commitments. It is always considered that soaring levels of conflicts are expected for the female employees who have huge targets. 2.8.1 SCIENTIFIC MODEL: Frederick Taylor (1911) proposed that every job possibly will be measured by the amount of work completed and it is always linked with the number of pieces finished or piece rate. This theory is based on the concept that harder the employees work the more rewarded they are. Taylor considered that monetary benefits serve as the motivational factor for the committed employees to work more efficiently and effectively. 2.8.2 TWO FACTORS MODEL: Frederick Herzbergs two factor model or motivation-hygiene theory states certain motivational factors that will have positive impact on the role of employees towards organisational development, like the good basic pay and clean work environment. It was considered that once these factors are in place it automatically keeps up the strengths of the employees to work dedicated for the organisations and stays with the organisations for a long time. 2.8.3 HIERARCHY OF NEEDS: The above two theories were criticised by another great management guru, Maslow, where he showed that people needs to have certain basic needs like safe and secure workplace, emotional fulfilment, self esteem, relationship etc., to be with the organisation with their full committed minds and souls. This concept has gained its attraction since globalisation as it turned up many organisations to go international and grow parallel with the increasing technology and changing market culture. 2.9 LONGITUDINAL EFFECTS OF GLOBALISATION ON WORK-LIFE BALANCE: Globalisation has changed the way the works are being carried out and it has changed the roles and responsibilities at each level of hierarchy, giving both positive and negative effects in their balanced life. This also includes the mental strength, changes in the physique, health effects, etc., which might be a reason out of its increased job pressure or imbalanced work-life. 2.10 IS ORGANISATIONAL INTERVENTION IMPROVES WORK-LIFE BALANCE? The world worst economic crisis has given fears in the minds of workers at all levels of management and the management has restricted and reduced the spending on the organisational development in terms of employee benefits and other allowances, by considering cost effectiveness and cost cutting programmes to effectively handle the risked finance to reduce the risk of being cut. The increased concern about the security, family preferences, the multinational organisations are trying to implement various strategies to effectively use their capital for the retention of its skilled and talented employees by providing balanced work-life. However, it is not the only remedy to be auctioned to gain a balanced work group (Harris and Brewster, 2003; Poelmans, 2005). In the perspective of employees, Work Life Balance is maintaining balance between the roles and responsibilities at home and at work. Work Life Balance is the principle that paid employment should be integrated with domestic life and community involvement in the interests of personal and social well-being (Heery and Noon, 2008). Work Life Balance is not only the time we spend working against non-working. It is about how employees use their time to relax, work and energies themselves and spends time with their family and kids (Morgenstern, 2008). It is considered that there exist a direct relationship between the work life balance of the employees and the organisational performance. Work Life Balance is considered as a strategic model to implement lots of Human Resource polices and rules in order to change the organisational atmosphere and organisational cultur e of how the hierarchy works, i.e., either in the vertical way or horizontal way, leading to satisfied employees and managed which in turn leads to organisational success and improved growth. Strategies of Work Life Balance in organisations includes roles and polices including flexible work arrangements, childcare, depends care and other personal and parental benefits (Blari-Hoy and Wharton, 2002; Hyman and Summers, 2004; De Cieri et al., 2005). It is considered that the widespread changes in work-life issues and changes in the workforce demography in developing and developed societies have increased issues of work-life balance (Fleetwood, 2007; Lewis et al., 2007). The increased pressure towards the multi skilled employees out from roles and responsibilities has changed the organisational environment and work culture (Campbell and Charlesworth, 2004). Emphasis on family is considered as more important and higher quality and any imbalance caused by work has a negative effect on both personal and professional life (Frone et al., 1992; Greenhaus et al., 2003; Singh, 2010). Every job is considered to have an element of fun and it gives satisfaction and pleasure instead of stress and pressure. This directly and indirectly leads to the increased organisational output and innovation for the long strategic roles. The term has been in the field of Human Resource over the last two decades and it is considered a vital one in the developed and improve technological world. Work-Life balance is one of the major things to maintain balanced and motivated employees whom even monetary benefits cannot afford to improve the organisational performance. At times salary will not be an attractive one to hold back the employees within the organisation as a committed employee, but the balanced work-life culture provided by the organisations will hold the employees with commitment till their retirement in the same organisation (Mehra, 2010). Human Resource plays a vital role in maintaining transparency to ensure that the office environment doesnt create pressure on their empl oyees and their nature of work. Work-Life balance has been very famous for the last two decades where technology started encroaching peoples time more and more. It is considered that the term itself inherent some problem which presupposes a separation among work and life. In United States most companies offer work-life balance programs to attain competitive advantage whereas in Europe and United Kingdom it is considered as a social responsibility but it is considered that both these terms are not different and the goals are intertwined wherein competitive advantage can be gained through recruiting skilled employees and retaining with socially responsible activities to enhance the reputation of the organisation. 2.11 IMPACT OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE ON EMPLOYEES: Every organizations sets their workplace to be more attractive than their rivals to gain the competitive advantage through satisfying the employees needs and wants by providing balanced work-life culture. Some organisations still believe on the importance of money for the employees as they consider only monetary benefits motivate the individuals to work committed. Some companies find increasing Impact of Work Life Balance on Performance Impact of Work Life Balance on Performance CHAPTER ONE Its all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family Philip Green, British billionaire businessman 1. INTRODUCTION: In cultured and well developed societies including both eastern and western countries the conflicts of work and life balance has been the main issue in the modern and globalised economy. Apparently, the need to maintain flexible work-life balance has become essential as the number of female workers and part time workers have gained more part in the growing globalised multinational organisations (Shelton, 2006). These conflicts are traditionally from societal norms which still requires a man to concentrate on careers rather than on family issues, and it works vice versa with the female members of the society who are supposed to take care of the family more rather than working towards their career options (Walker et al., 2008). The work-life pressures and conflict between personal and professional roles has become the primary area for researches to find the impact of organisational performance due to the imbalanced work-life culture and especially the source of disadvantages women faces in the corporate society. It can be justified as the focus was more on low payment, part-time work culture and absence at the top levels of business (Doherty, 2004). Some more researches of Human Resource and their roles argued that the work-life issue affects the living standards of their employees (Hammer et al., 2004; Shelton, 2006). It was also proved by Shelton (2006), that the working pattern affects the work-life culture and strategies to maintain a balanced structure and the organisational performance. In United Kingdom a variety of work-life balance rules and policies has been implemented by the Labour government since their three successive rules since 1997 (Lewis and Campbell, 2007). 1.1 PURPOSE AND RESEARCH QUESTION: The main purpose of this research work is to analyse the impact of work-life balance on the organisational performance, especially the retail sector (TESCO), which is operating at a huge scale in United Kingdom and Europe and moving internationally. The main area of this research concentrates on the shop floor workers who work in direct relation with their customers who are the main sources of income for the organisation. This study can be used by the Store Managers and Operational Managers of TESCO to develop and implement various needs and wants of their employees especially the shop floor workers in order to improve the organisational performance. The following questions are considered to be the main areas of my research: How the imbalanced work-life culture affects the organisational performance in the retail industry (TESCO), whose main customers is the general public. This question leads to some sub-questions which need to be analysed in order to attain the answer for the main area of study, specifically: How organisations handle work-life conflicts? Is there any influence on the work-life balance strategies on Human Resource and other management practices? What are the main strategies to maintain a balanced work-life culture? What are the main factors of motivation? Is there any relationship between work-life balance and organisational performance? My research is organised in a flow to understand the needs and wants of an employees who works in direct contacts with customers. In my first chapter the major definitions to terms, role of balanced work-life culture, and its importance in relation with Human Resource Management is discussed before moving to the literature part of my research work. In the next chapter the previous studies relating to my research work has been critically analysed to support my research work and moving down to methodology chapter to state how the data collection work was carried out to support my research. This chapter depicts the ways used to collect data and how it was interpreted. The last chapter of my research work is the crucial one and it analysis all the data and gives empirical results of my research study supported by recommendations and conclusion to my work. 1.2 BACKGROUND: In the developed countries, the work-life balance conflict has gained its prominence as the globalised world tends to increase the level of competition among the rival firms in the same sector. Hence, it is considered that Human Resource Management department has a role to play in maintaining a balanced work-life culture in order to motivate the employees to work committed for the organisational growth. The retail market in the United Kingdom is expected to plunge by 15% by 2011 valuing over  £312bn (Datamonitor, UK Retail Futures 2011), showing the slowdown in the annual growth and the increase in the operating cost which acts as the hindrance to utilise the limited available capital. The world economic crisis and changes in the spending perspective of the general public has changed the way the retail industry was operating. Thus, Human Resource is considered as the vital department to tackle this operational changes by finding right people for the right job and ensure they work c ommitted for the organisational growth. Thus overall view of the retail industry has been a tough challenge for the HRM to provide high standards of training and development programmes to their employees. But at the same time it is necessary to understand the needs and requirements of the employees at the operational level who directly work with the end customers in order to provide quality services. TESCO, a leading supermarket retailer in the food and non-food sector operating in United Kingdom and in 13 other countries around the world have more than 500,000 employees and moving rapidly with new and potential markets. This shows the importance of Human Resource Management to maintain a balanced work-life culture which will boost organisational growth. There are various motivational factors that gives job satisfaction and helps to maintain a balanced life, which has to be identified in order to concentrate on that to provide quality training and development needs. 1.3 CONCLUSION: This research work concentrates on finding the motivational factors and the level of awareness among the Customer Assistants who work in the shop floor of TESCOs to improve the training and development programmes. The current economic situation has spared the corporate with limited sources and hence it is not wise to spend lot of money on unnecessary and unwanted programmes. The researcher has used the time and resources to collect and discuss some related topics in the literature review chapter before choosing his research methods. After the discussion about the importance of the objectives in the literature review the researcher moves to methodology chapter to know about the available methods and techniques to collect and analyse the data. At last the analysed data is used to interpret and conclude the argument to find out some recommendations for the organisation. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW: A days work is a days work, neither more nor less, and the man who does it needs a days sustenance, a nights repose and due leisure, whether he be painter or ploughman George Bernard Shaw 2.1 INTRODUCTION: The role of Human Resource Management has increased lately, as the globe has become too small and the brands have moved internationally. This revolution in the global trade has increased the nature of job to be more time bound and customer oriented leaving the employees lot of stress to maintain a balanced work-life culture. Hence, it has become the primary role of Human Resource Department to train and develop their employees to maintain a balanced work-life culture. This chapter finds the literature research works that have been carried out in the past to support the research questions and aims and objectives of the research work. 2.2 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: The Human Resource Management (HRM) is undergoing significant change in designing management systems to utilise the skilled human talents efficiently and effectively to attain the increased levels of organisational goals. All types of organisations, including from small to big, have to recruit, select, train and manage effectively to attain their individual and corporate goals. Hence, Human Resource is essential to fulfil the requirements of both side employees and employers. On the other hand HR has to abide by the legal systems that has been passed out by the government of the nation, and especially in case of international or multinational business firms. Therefore Human Resource Management is considered to be a vital management department whose prime responsible not only stick to recruitment and placing the employees under job, but extends from job satisfaction and retention till retirement, as they are the main capital of every organisation (Mathis and Jackson, 2007). The introduction of part time work culture in United Kingdom has been the cause for the improvement of HRM activities as the multicultural society faces lot of legal and other issues from social backgrounds. Especially the retail giants like TESCO, Sainsbury, Primark, and Marks Spencer are investing lot of their time and money to frame some strategic systems to maintain a balanced work culture which has its direct impact on the organisational performance (Maxwell et al., 2008). On the contrary some people take their employment as their career opportunity to grow within an organisational sector and works dedicated balancing both lives. In such cases the Human Resource Management has to support their employees through training and development programmes to motivate them to go forward with their balanced work life. 2.3 RETAIL INDUSTRY: The growing technology and internationalisation has been a challenge to most industries including the retail industry which operates all over the west and in direct relationship with their customers. This is one of the major industries which have close contact with the customers daily on face to face basis. Hence, this industry requires the employees to be have well balanced work-life culture to deal smoothly with their customers. Retail internationalisation has gained overwhelming focus during the recent years, as the concept of globalisation has attained maturity. This concept has given the well-established retailers like TESCO, Sainsbury, Wall-Mart, etc., to move into international markets with their strong domestic success. The new concepts in the Human Resource Management and the development in the globalisation has given lots of challenges to maintain employees at peace across culture and across global and international laws (Burt et al., 2005). Until late 1990s products were c entral to some organisations, including both intangible and tangible assets. Traditionally manufactures were concerned about the designing and production of goods, whilst retailers were engaged in gathering the products for directly selling to the customers. Moving forward with the economic and cultural changes, the way the retailers work have been changed from just retailing the products and services to manufacture, market, and sell their goods and services and make it available to customers at all convenient levels. Thus the retail market has widened its business from selling to overall business opportunities. The retail industry has split further into various sectors and includes various types of products and contributing a major chunk to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of United Kingdom, both in the production output and employment rate (Varley, 2001). This evolution of retail business in the west especially in the Europe and United States has given lot of opportunities to the retail business to set up lots of projects under pipeline. This developed the construction and food industry in the United Kingdom and in most European countries. The development in the retail industry has widened the opportunities for the international studen ts and the locals studying in United Kingdom. The retail industry in-spite of recession is doing good and pushing the economy from recession to recovery. During 2007, retail industry has produced the highest return in the property business. The retail business has increased the existence of shopping centres accommodating lots of restaurants, entertainment and other complexes which attracts a huge customer base (Dijkman, 2008). The 2007-2008 economic crisis had shaken the entire industry from its development. Though the economic hit was hard, the retail industry jumped out from the storm to lead the economy towards recovery. The growth of high street business was slowed down during March 2009 and thereon, whereas more than 13% of retailers showed stronger sales during this period when compared to the same period a year ago in 2007. This proved the consumer spending is more in the retail industry and its plays an important challenge to the Human Resource Management to rightly take up this opportunity to develop their business. Hence Human Resource works out to fix employee satisfaction and employees benefit to increase their operational output (Wade, 2010). 2.4 ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE: Human Resource department has become the back bone of every organisation, and it is vital for the employees to know how it operates. In others view it is urged that Human Resource is an evil, a bureaucratic force enforcing unnecessary rules and regulations, restricting innovation and hinders the required changes. The Human Resource department is responsible in finding the suitable hires for the right job at the right time, which is considered as one of the main reason for increasing job stress and unsatisfactory level of performance (Mathis and Jackson, 2007). Any strategic activity by HRM is done once it has identified and analysed thoroughly the surroundings or environment where it operates. Hence, organisational culture plays a vital role in maintaining work life balance among its employees (Torrington et al., 2005). Human Resource Management (HRM) is considered as the basis of all management and not as the basis for business activity. The old organisational culture of depending on product or services offered by them to increase the organisational performance does not hold well in modern developed economy. The employees or workers of the company are considered as the major asset to increase the organisational performance and brand image in the market. Managing these resources has to be done constantly by balancing the organisational needs and employees needs that work together to attain the corporate objectives. The changes in the workforce and expectations among the employees and companies HR managers have to work innovatively to convert their organisational background or culture a more friendly and efficient. Especially the employees working in the retail market is considered as the important market in the United Kingdom and are forms the major workforce (Boone, L., and Kurtz, D., 2008). 2.5 E-HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: The modern technological world has witnessed changes in the policies and practices that have been followed in old organisational culture. It is very important for all brick-and-mortar organisations to adopt changes out from the introduction of electronic and web based practices, as the newly introduced web based practices changed the business-to-business practices, the activities of a marketplace, changes in the supply chain, and acts as a catalyst for business. These changes provide HR management with lots of challenges to maintain value in the system to attract the employees and make them satisfied with their work culture in order to maintain a balanced work-life culture to improve the organisational performance. The dot com business has changed the way the business was carried out and it has given a challenging work culture to the employees in all major sectors including the retail market. This revolutionary age has been the reason for Enron to file bankruptcy, and internet age is growing together with the business and globalisation and not going down. The growth in the B2B business and B2C business has enhanced the usage of eHRM within and outside the organisation. This has been a challenge to maintain work-life balance as this web based technology has introduced work from home culture, any time availability for work, etc., which disturbs the personal life at every moment (Torres-Coronas and Arias-Oliva, 2005). 2.6 WORK LIFE BALANCE: Work-life balance is usually viewed as the lack of work-life conflict or mostly the strength in which where work life interferes with family life or vice versa (Grzywacz and Carlson, 2007). Work-life balance relates to the absence of conflict in their personal and professional life (Clark, 2000) as satisfaction and committed and dedicated work without any role conflicts (Guest, 20002). Shaw (2003) has stated that work-life balance extents to individuals who are engaged equally and fully satisfied in both places. It is also considered as a global assessment that work resources meet family demands, and family resources meet work demands such that participation is effective in both domains (Voydanoff, 2005; Grzywacz and Carlson, 2007). Work and leisure is no longer related to any certain kind of jobs or market, and it has become an international requirement for every organisation to compete with their rivals and maintain a satisfied employees group (Lewis, 2003). In terms of United King doms department of Trade and Industry, Work-Life balance is defined as the about adjusting working patterns regardless of age, race or gender, [so] everyone can find a rhythm to help them combine work with their other responsibilities or aspirations (Maxwell, 2005). It is always considered that the work-life balance is very essential to maintain a health working conditions for the organisational benefit and for the benefit of its employees (Barnett, 1998; Edwards and Rothbard, 2000). Similarly, it had been proved by so many research works that the conditions of work life balance have its impact on the performance of the organisation (Kersley et al., 2005; Bureau of Labour, 2007). To maintain work and life a in a balanced scale, there are so many factors and so many persons to play in maintaining balance and harmony of their employees (Allen et al., 2006). Work life balance concerns on employees having a measure to control about where, when and how they work (Clutterbuck, 2003), and the new policies are initiated in strengthening the work life balance in United Kingdom and European Union (DTI, 2002; Lewis et al., 2003) and it has been argued that the employees should co-ordinate various aspects of professional and personal life to have a balanced life. After the introduction of globalisation in the economy, most organisations including the retail firms have started to move across cultures and across oceans to increase their presence and customer base. So, it has seen an intense increase in the working peoples working hours and their working life, which has both positive and negative impact on individuals professional and personal life (Lewis et al., 2003; Bryson et al., 2007; Bulger et al., 2007; Fereday, 2007). This term work-life balance has come out to replicate the concerns the working individuals face to manage their lives equally to improve the living conditions of the society and the performance of the organisation (Greenblatt, 2002; de Cieri et al., 2005; Pocock, 2005; Bryson et al., 2007, Fleetwood, 2007, McDonald et al., 2007). The retail industries have grown to support the community and it has converted the main stores to provide 24/7 services to the society (Pryjmachuk and Richards, 2007). Supple working conditions facilitate autonomy in work place and it improves work-life balance of the employees (Barriball et al., 2007; Dwyer et al., 2007). Many organisations tout work-life balance as a value, and always the workaholics are given more rewards and respect. But this concept holds no good any more as the introduction of globalisation and its cultural impact has turned the organisations to show more interest in maintaining work-life balance for its employees. The modern era has c reated more leaders to pay their attention towards work-life balance and they moralize the good value of upholding a balanced life inside and outside the organisation. It helps to improve more productivity while at work. Work and family issues are not the case during survival farmers and their families worked together to make a living. It has started once the family units made a male breadwinner for their house-wives. It was stated that during world war II, when most of the men in the west are out for war, the women population of more than70% were in the workforce, including pregnant women, which had been a hot topic of those times to maintain balance between their family commitments and to make a living (Shilling, 2009). It is very important to maintain a good balance especially when the employees have kids and old people to take care at home. In the views of Shelton (2006), work-life disagreement is the form of inter-role issue starting due to stress originating from one or more roles and responsibilities. The bonus, pay and other options are great but at the same time every job has got its roles and responsibilities that gives pressures and has direct and indirect effects on the personal and organisational life. This depends on the leadership and managerial skills of the manager who manages the team (Flaum, 2009). Especially women employees are considered more sentimental and dedicated towards their personal and professional life and have less free time as they are tied up with family and society. Shelton (2006) created a hypothetical framework on the constructs based on role conflicts and role involvement to positive plans the effective strategies to reduce work-life conflicts, through influencing roles. The work-life conflict reduces the well-being of the organisational culture and gradually affects the overall organis ational performance. 2.7 HISTORICAL OUTLOOK OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE: Since the introduction of globalisation and free trade, organisations started to move globally and freely with fewer restrictions on investments in the outside market and this has changed the roles and responsibilities of HRM. Originally the issue of work-life was considered as a problem between family and work (Lewis, 2003), and eventually it was argued that its not the issue between work and life, but between the organisational performance and employee satisfaction and dedication towards work. Furthermore the working timings of the employees were considered as one of the major issue to maintain a balanced work culture and they have introduced flexitime to challenge this issue. This issue broadened along men, women, families, and cultures of the organisations (Bird, 2006). Major research work considers individuals as a unit (Family or Team) and not as separate individual who works without any relationship with their sub-ordinates. Traditionally it is viewed as the absence of conflic t among work and family, or the level of intensity or frequency of work interfering family or vice versa (Grzywacz and Carlson, 2007). 2.8 GLOBAL AND DOMESTIC WORK-LIFE BALANCE MODELS: In many contexts it is considered whether the domestic models hold good in international podium, where the globalisation has changed the international business are carried out. In the global context the main issues to be examined is whether work interferes with life on certain outcomes. In United States it has been proved that the domestic work interferes more on personal life than in any other country, but in other global environments it is considered that personal life interfere with work. This depends on the responsibilities and roles the employees play within an organisation and their role in the family, hence considering both sides from life to work and work to life (Greenhaus, 1988; Dixbury and Higgins, 1991; Frone et al., 1997; Edwards and Rothbard, 2000; Shaffer et al., 2001). The United Kingdom is facing lots of political issues out from people living longer, the changes in the needs of men and women in the labour market in terms of private life and other ways of working. Lots of models have been framed to calculate the work life balance of both genders at various periods and requirements of life. Shelton (2006) created a notional structure supporting role involvement and conflict to envisage the importance of strategies to lower the impacts of conflicts on balanced work culture or manoeuvring roles. This conflict is positively correlated with both organisational performance and family commitments. It is always considered that soaring levels of conflicts are expected for the female employees who have huge targets. 2.8.1 SCIENTIFIC MODEL: Frederick Taylor (1911) proposed that every job possibly will be measured by the amount of work completed and it is always linked with the number of pieces finished or piece rate. This theory is based on the concept that harder the employees work the more rewarded they are. Taylor considered that monetary benefits serve as the motivational factor for the committed employees to work more efficiently and effectively. 2.8.2 TWO FACTORS MODEL: Frederick Herzbergs two factor model or motivation-hygiene theory states certain motivational factors that will have positive impact on the role of employees towards organisational development, like the good basic pay and clean work environment. It was considered that once these factors are in place it automatically keeps up the strengths of the employees to work dedicated for the organisations and stays with the organisations for a long time. 2.8.3 HIERARCHY OF NEEDS: The above two theories were criticised by another great management guru, Maslow, where he showed that people needs to have certain basic needs like safe and secure workplace, emotional fulfilment, self esteem, relationship etc., to be with the organisation with their full committed minds and souls. This concept has gained its attraction since globalisation as it turned up many organisations to go international and grow parallel with the increasing technology and changing market culture. 2.9 LONGITUDINAL EFFECTS OF GLOBALISATION ON WORK-LIFE BALANCE: Globalisation has changed the way the works are being carried out and it has changed the roles and responsibilities at each level of hierarchy, giving both positive and negative effects in their balanced life. This also includes the mental strength, changes in the physique, health effects, etc., which might be a reason out of its increased job pressure or imbalanced work-life. 2.10 IS ORGANISATIONAL INTERVENTION IMPROVES WORK-LIFE BALANCE? The world worst economic crisis has given fears in the minds of workers at all levels of management and the management has restricted and reduced the spending on the organisational development in terms of employee benefits and other allowances, by considering cost effectiveness and cost cutting programmes to effectively handle the risked finance to reduce the risk of being cut. The increased concern about the security, family preferences, the multinational organisations are trying to implement various strategies to effectively use their capital for the retention of its skilled and talented employees by providing balanced work-life. However, it is not the only remedy to be auctioned to gain a balanced work group (Harris and Brewster, 2003; Poelmans, 2005). In the perspective of employees, Work Life Balance is maintaining balance between the roles and responsibilities at home and at work. Work Life Balance is the principle that paid employment should be integrated with domestic life and community involvement in the interests of personal and social well-being (Heery and Noon, 2008). Work Life Balance is not only the time we spend working against non-working. It is about how employees use their time to relax, work and energies themselves and spends time with their family and kids (Morgenstern, 2008). It is considered that there exist a direct relationship between the work life balance of the employees and the organisational performance. Work Life Balance is considered as a strategic model to implement lots of Human Resource polices and rules in order to change the organisational atmosphere and organisational cultur e of how the hierarchy works, i.e., either in the vertical way or horizontal way, leading to satisfied employees and managed which in turn leads to organisational success and improved growth. Strategies of Work Life Balance in organisations includes roles and polices including flexible work arrangements, childcare, depends care and other personal and parental benefits (Blari-Hoy and Wharton, 2002; Hyman and Summers, 2004; De Cieri et al., 2005). It is considered that the widespread changes in work-life issues and changes in the workforce demography in developing and developed societies have increased issues of work-life balance (Fleetwood, 2007; Lewis et al., 2007). The increased pressure towards the multi skilled employees out from roles and responsibilities has changed the organisational environment and work culture (Campbell and Charlesworth, 2004). Emphasis on family is considered as more important and higher quality and any imbalance caused by work has a negative effect on both personal and professional life (Frone et al., 1992; Greenhaus et al., 2003; Singh, 2010). Every job is considered to have an element of fun and it gives satisfaction and pleasure instead of stress and pressure. This directly and indirectly leads to the increased organisational output and innovation for the long strategic roles. The term has been in the field of Human Resource over the last two decades and it is considered a vital one in the developed and improve technological world. Work-Life balance is one of the major things to maintain balanced and motivated employees whom even monetary benefits cannot afford to improve the organisational performance. At times salary will not be an attractive one to hold back the employees within the organisation as a committed employee, but the balanced work-life culture provided by the organisations will hold the employees with commitment till their retirement in the same organisation (Mehra, 2010). Human Resource plays a vital role in maintaining transparency to ensure that the office environment doesnt create pressure on their empl oyees and their nature of work. Work-Life balance has been very famous for the last two decades where technology started encroaching peoples time more and more. It is considered that the term itself inherent some problem which presupposes a separation among work and life. In United States most companies offer work-life balance programs to attain competitive advantage whereas in Europe and United Kingdom it is considered as a social responsibility but it is considered that both these terms are not different and the goals are intertwined wherein competitive advantage can be gained through recruiting skilled employees and retaining with socially responsible activities to enhance the reputation of the organisation. 2.11 IMPACT OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE ON EMPLOYEES: Every organizations sets their workplace to be more attractive than their rivals to gain the competitive advantage through satisfying the employees needs and wants by providing balanced work-life culture. Some organisations still believe on the importance of money for the employees as they consider only monetary benefits motivate the individuals to work committed. Some companies find increasing